Embedded Systems Day

  • Speaker:

    Dr. R. Dorsch, IBM Boeblingen
    Prof. D. Gajski, UC Irvine, USA
    Prof. P. Hofmann, DaimlerChrysler, Stuttgart
    Prof. M. Imai, Osaka Univ., Japan
    Prof. R. Leupers, RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany
    Dr. G. Martin, Chief Technologist, Tensilica, USA
    Prof. S. Parameswaran, Univ. New South Wales, Australia
    A panel will be organized by Prof. Marwedel, Dortmund University.

  • Location:

    Karlsruhe University

  • Date: March 14th, 2005
  • Designing Embedded Systems is an increasingly complex task that involves many disciplines starting from initial specification, through many steps like defining customized architectures etc. to the final tape-out. The goal of this Embedded Systems Day is to bring together leaders from both, Academia and Industry in order to discuss the newest approaches and trends in embedded systems research and teaching in an informal environment. Besides talks there will also be a panel where attendees can discuss with speakers/panelist.

    Invited is everyone who is interested in the topic. We are looking forward to welcome you at Karlsruhe University on March 14th!