Job Openings
PhD Student/ Research Assistant (f/m/d)
Job description: | »Ensuring Trust and Integrity for Secure Post-Quantum Emerging Systems« For many years, the Chair for Embedded Systems has worked internationally successfully in the areas of computer engineering, such as smart embedded systems. Many interesting and open problems in these areas need to be addressed to successfully deploy such systems in modern application domains. We aim to tackle the most urgent questions about trust and integrity for emerging systems. Trust is a critical component in the modern computing environment. In the current era of the Internet of Things (IoT), devices are becoming increasingly interconnected on different emerging applications, powered by improved network capabilities in recent communication technologies such as 5G. Among these applications are Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications, Edge-, and Cloud Computing. In this “everything-is-connected” landscape, client and server entities share sensitive data and synchronize with each other. Thus, to ensure that no malicious activity would come from the remote computing parties, trust must be established and the integrity of the code and data privacy must be ensured for all devices in the system. Establishing trust in this ever-changing computing landscape is becoming more and more challenging. The challenges include but are not limited to (i) off-loading the computation to the cloud, which might be vulnerable to breaches, (ii) peer-to-peer and decentralized networks where clients might be infected, and (iii) quantum computing, which is a real threat to traditional cryptographic schemes. In the scope of this research project, we aim to propose an efficient and non-intrusive method for ensuring code integrity and data privacy in modern computing systems. From the integrity verification side, the behavior of one device might be affected by other devices, especially in the presence of malicious agents. An infected device could be a severe threat to users and other devices in the network, potentially compromising the privacy of third parties or bringing whole systems down. By leveraging previously unconsidered features such as the applications’ dynamic behavior, we seek to propose run-time integrity enforcement schemes, such as Control-flow Attestation, which can verify the integrity of the device employing privacy-preserving techniques such as Zero Knowledge Proofs in decentralized manners (e.g., Blockchain). These new run-time approaches for integrity verification methods will allow for new dynamic enforcement of countermeasures in various emerging computing systems. On the data privacy side, Homomorphic Encryption (HE) allows the cloud provider to perform calculations on encrypted data without the need to decrypt them, hence keeping the data private. Moreover, Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is post-quantum secure. Hence, it can be used to safely process sensitive data such as financial and/or patient records without risking data breach. Unfortunately, performing operations on this encrypted data is much slower than performing the same operation on plain data. It is, therefore, necessary to speed up these calculations through Hardware Acceleration and arithmetic optimizations. |
Qualification: | The candidate (f/m/d) must have a very good Master’s degree (or equivalent) in CS or EE with a background or specialization in some of the above-mentioned topics, i.e., security, operating systems, ML algorithms, hardware-/software co-design, or hardware accelerators. The ideal candidate (f/m/d) shows a strong interest and motivation to deepen in these topics to a level required for a doctorate. Experience and/or interest in Linux environments, C/C++, VHDL/Verilog, synthesis tools, and/or CPU/system simulators will be beneficial but not necessarily mandatory. Fluency in written and spoken English is a prerequisite. We are looking for a highly motivated candidate (f/m/d) with a strong commitment to research ethics and teamwork. Good communicative skills are mandatory due to the interdisciplinary structure of the project and the team. |
We offer: | We offer you an attractive and modern workplace with access to the excellent equipment of the KIT, a varied work, a wide range of training opportunities, flexible working time models, an allowance for the job ticket BW, and a casino/cafeteria. |
Salary: | Salary category TV-L E13, depending on the fulfillment of professional and personal requirements. |
Institute: | Institute of Computer Engineering (ITEC – Institut für Technische Informatik), Chair for Embedded Systems (CES) |
Contract duration: | 1 year with the possibility for multi-year extension |
Starting date: | As soon as possible |
Application up to: | February 1st, 2023 |
Contact person in line-management: |
For technical details please contact Prof. Henkel, Hassan Nassar and Jeferson Gonzalez using the mail topic: Application CES-Security-Trust. Further information can be found on our webpage |
Application: | Please send your application including a cover letter, your CV, and all certificates/referees in electronic form We prefer to balance the number of employees (f/m/d). Therefore, we kindly ask also female applicants to apply for this job. Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified. |
Research Position
We continuously hire PostDocs and PhD students.
If you are interested in joining CES and if you have excellent grades, send your application to henkel∂
Akademische/r Mitarbeiter/in / Doktorand/in
Tätigkeitsbeschreibung: | Der Lehrstuhl für Eingebettete Systeme arbeitet seit vielen Jahren international erfolgreich auf Gebieten der Technischen Informatik wie den Multi-/Many-Core Systemen, wo es noch viele offene interessante Fragestellungen gibt, um diesen Systemen auch in neuen Anwendungsgebieten zu breiter Durchsetzung zu verhelfen. Exemplarisch sind hier die drängendsten Fragen hervorgehoben, um die es auch in den hier ausgeschriebenen Stellen geht:
Persönliche Qualifikation: | Die/der Kandidat/in sollte vorzugsweise ein Studium der Informatik oder Elektrotechnik mit einem sehr guten Diplom oder Master abgeschlossen haben, über Vorkenntnisse in einem oder mehreren der oben gelisteten Themen verfügen und eine starke Motivation besitzen, sich in dieses Fach in der für eine Promotion nötigen Tiefe einzuarbeiten. Für die Aufgaben im Bereich ist weiterhin Organisationstalent und Interesse an interdisziplinärer Arbeit in einem internationalen Team hilfreich. |
Entgelt: | Das Entgelt erfolgt auf der Grundlage des Tarifvertrages des öffentlichen Dienstes in der Entgeltgruppe 13, TV-L. |
Institut / Dienstleistungseinheit: | Institut für Technische Informatik (ITEC), Professur für Eingebettete Systeme (CES) |
Vertragsdauer: | Befristet auf vier Jahre mit der Möglichkeit zur Promotion |
Eintrittstermin: | zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt |
Ansprechpartner/in für fachliche Fragen: | Fachliche Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen gerne Herr Prof. Dr. Henkel, E-Mail: henkel∂, Betreff: „Bewerbung: CES_MultiCore“ |
Bewerbung: | Ihre aussagekräftige Bewerbung mit den üblichen Unterlagen (gerne auch digital per E-Mail) senden Sie bitte an das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) Institut für Technische Informatik (ITEC) Lehrstuhl für Eingebettete Systeme (CES, ITEC-Henkel) Haid-und-Neu Str. 7 76131 Karlsruhe E-Mail: gull-nida.amjad∂ Das KIT legt Wert auf die berufliche Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern. Wir würden uns daher insbesondere über die Bewerbung von Frauen freuen. Bei entsprechender Eignung werden schwerbehinderte Bewerber/innen bevorzugt berücksichtigt |
Technical Positions