HiPEAC Paper Awards
The Steering Committee of the 'High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation' (HiPEAC) Network of Excellence has awarded a HiPEAC Paper Award for the paper
"Run-time Instruction Set Selection in a Transmutable Embedded Processor"
by L. Bauer, M. Shafique and J. Henkel at Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2008.The Steering Committee of the 'High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation' (HiPEAC) Network of Excellence has awarded a HiPEAC Paper Award for the paper
"ADAM: Run-time Agent-based Distributed Application Mapping for on-chip Communication"
by M.A. Al Faruque, R. Krist and J. Henkel at Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2008.