TALK: Predictability and Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
Prof. Dr. Frank Mueller
North Carolina State University
Karlsruhe - Date: Dec, 20th, 2018, 10:00am
Many of today's cyber-physical systems (CPS) are subject to, mission-critical control requirements, from power grids to autonomous, driving. This talk highlights methods to provide non-traditional, security and end-to-end timing predictability in such systems.
Security in real-time CPS has been an afterthought, even though such, systems are networked. To complement conventional cyber security, techniques , we present three mechanisms for time-based intrusion, detection exploiting information obtained by static timing analysis.
End-to-end timing predictability, required for mission-critical, systems, presents another challenge for CPS. We show how, software-defined networking (SDN) opens up new opportunities to create, a complete software stack in support of end-to-end timing bounds on, communication that includes middleware, end nodes, and network, switches to give assurances for real-time schedulability and, resilience.
Frank Mueller is a Professor in Computer Science, and a member of multiple research centers at North Carolina State, University. Previously, he held positions at Lawrence Livermore National, Laboratory and Humboldt University Berlin, Germany. He received his, Ph.D. from Florida State University in 1994. He has published papers in, the areas of parallel and distributed systems, embedded and real-time, systems and compilers. He is a member of ACM SIGPLAN, ACM SIGBED and a, senior member of the ACM and an IEEE Fellow. He is a recipient of an NSF, Career Award, an IBM Faculty Award, a Google Research Award and two, Fellowships from the Humboldt Foundation.