Short Bio
Lars Bauer received his M.Sc. (Dipl.-Inform) and Ph.D. (Dr.-Ing.) in Computer Science from the University of Karlsruhe (TH) Germany in 2004 and 2009, respectively. He is currently a research assistant, lecturer, and group leader at the Chair for Embedded Systems (CES) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). His main research interests are extensible processors and reconfigurable and adaptive computing systems with a special interest on dynamically varying run-time situations and concepts that allow systems to adapt to changing requirements. He received the EDAA Outstanding Dissertations Award, the FZI Outstanding Dissertation Award, the AHS'11 best paper award, and the DATE'08 best paper award for his work on adaptive reconfigurable processors. Lars Bauer is a principal investigator in the 'Invasive Computing' research initiative (DFG SFB TR-89) and he is the head of the KIT Young Investigator Group (YIG) "Methods and Architectures for emerging dynamically reconfigurable systems".
Research Interests
- Reconfigurable Computing Systems, with dynamically partitially reconfigurable hardware (e.g. embedded FPGAs)
- Invasive Core (i-Core)
- Online Test Strategies for Reliable Reconfigurable Architectures (OTERA)
- Karlsruhe's Hypermorphic Reconfigurable-Instruction-Set Multi-grained-Array Processor (KAHRISMA)
- Rotating Instruction Set Processing Platform (RISPP)
- Invasive Core (i-Core)
- Architectures, run-time management, and programming of Multi-Core SoCs
- Distributed Resource Management: Scalability and Security Aspects
- Internet of Things
- Dependable Embedded Systems